13729093_596094520552299_7378445041925343563_nWelcome to my latest musically motivated Blog Post.
I am proud to share the release of my latest collection of music titled
L O S T / F O U N D ?

Currently available on iTunes for download, Spotify for streaming, Google Play, Bandcamp and Pandora.

Click Here for easy access to these links!

It is amazing how you can put so much of yourself into something you love, in the hope that at the end of it you come away with something you are proud of.

I am a perfectionist that is always learning, so I kid you not when I say creating music for me is a colourful process that I somehow survive each time & for the most part, with my sanity intact.

I started working on this album a fair way back now, 12months plus.
Some of the songs had been in my head for a while, with others freshly written for this project.

The first release off the album, titled ‘Million’ was a collaboration between myself and William Henderson of Woodcut Studios in Auckland. I learnt so much in the process of creating this song, a different approach to songwriting and the power of working with another.

If you have followed my music for a while, you’ll know that the style and overall sound of ‘Million’ was a definite change of pace for me compared to my EP ‘Only Human’ released in 2014.
I tend to seek out music that has soul, with this record my main focus was to write songs that meant something to me, that were true to who I am as an artist and pushed me creatively.
I feel that the song ‘Ships’ (number #4 on the album) has it’s share of soul and is something new from me.
The lyrics for ‘Ships’ and music came together really nicely to create a little bit of emotional magic.

I am proud of what we achieved with L O S T / F O U N D and cannot wait to get back in the studio and work on some of the song monsters buying and selling houses in my head, that wake me at 4:00am in the morning and compel me to reach for my pen and paper at my bedside table.

Click here to listen to L O S T / F O U N D on itunes ?

Singing at The Portland Public House, 14th August 2016 – Click here for further info.

A huge thank you to the teams at Woodcut Studios in Auckland, Waatea Music and Hustle Management – I totally notice your awesomeness.

If you have any thoughts or questions/comments, please leave me a message and I will get back to you. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog post.

You / legend.

Abz x

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  1. Fascinating story and life Abbie… Wishing you all the best .. You are such a talented young women.
    The songs you write come straight from the heart and when mixed with music they are amazing
    Keep up the good work
    Karen (from the UK)

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